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Privacy policy


“Tell Tails” brand is marketed by M/s Agion Laboratories Pvt. Ltd, with its registered office at:-C-585, Basement, Defence Colony, New Delhi-110024.

Through this online platform, “We assures its customers to protect their confidential information from any third party or from other customers or visitors of our website. 


Agion Laboratories Pvt. Ltd, in compliance with Government of India derivatives, needs the basis information from its user so that “Agion Laboratories Pvt. Ltd” shall promptly provide or deliver the desired services to its customers by generating correct invoices with complete and accurate billing addresses of the customers. After generating invoices upon receiving orders from its customers, Agion Laboratories Pvt. Ltd, after receiving payment confirmation from the customers end, will immediately start the shipping process, subject to compliance with the Term of Services Clause.

Once the information about its customers is correctly verified and entered into the system of “Agion Laboratories Pvt. Ltd," its customers will feel free during their repeated orders and will

When our customers get registered with us through our online platform after completing certain formalities, they will get authorization from our side in the form of a username and password so that they can use our services seamlessly in the future.


  1. Agion Laboratories Pvt. Ltd, assures its website users and registered customers that without their consent, we will not share any of our data or personal information, which includes your name, contact address, email ID, or bank card details, i.e., debit or credit card information, with any third party, except in the cases where the same is required by any government authority under the valid and legal grounds for such disclosure.
  2. Agion Lab, shall be free to share your contact information with product delivery agencies for safe and easy delivery of the products.
  3. Agion Lab, shall be free to share your personal information with its affiliates and employees for the procurement and delivery of the products.
  4. Agion Lab, in good faith, shall have the right to disclose user personal information to prevent any liability, safeguard themselves against fraudulent, abusive, or unlawful uses, examine and defend themselves against any claims or allegations made by third parties, or if a situation arises, defend the rights, property, or personal safety of its customers.